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Recent articles

Here’s your weekly dose of practical marketing insights specifically written for ISVs, channel partners and pretty much anyone in software marketing.

What ChatGPT Has to Say About B2B Software Sales in Light of the Current Macro-Economic Context

The macro-economic context is likely to have a significant influence on B2B technology purchases over the next 18 months. Here are several ways in which it may impact these purchases:

By |2023-08-30T15:00:01+08:0030-Aug-2023|Categories: Articles|Tags: |Comments Off on What ChatGPT Has to Say About B2B Software Sales in Light of the Current Macro-Economic Context

Four Areas Your Sales Teams Must Address to Deliver a Winning Product Demo

We often speak about lead generation for software companies and how to build a solid pipeline of qualified opportunities, but what happens when those leads are passed on to sales? This article focuses on the importance and often vital role that product demos play in a software sales cycle.

By |2024-05-02T15:45:37+08:0026-May-2023|Categories: Articles|Tags: |Comments Off on Four Areas Your Sales Teams Must Address to Deliver a Winning Product Demo

ISV Marketing: Strategies to Drive Sales and Grow Your Business

Everyone’s curious about ChatGPT and trying out all kinds of queries to test the technology.  We decided to ask it to write an article about ISV Marketing and this is the result…

By |2023-03-21T13:21:23+08:0021-Mar-2023|Categories: Articles|Tags: |Comments Off on ISV Marketing: Strategies to Drive Sales and Grow Your Business

What to Do When You’ve Been Burned by a Marketing Vendor: 5 Tips for Establishing a Great Relationship With Your Marketing Outsourcer

I spend a decent amount of my time each day on business development.  Getting our message out into the world so that we can serve more customers is big part of my mission.  When I look at our wins and our losses, I realize that I have bumped up against one reason in particular why people don’t want to give us a try that I just had to address.

By |2023-03-09T15:22:49+08:008-Mar-2023|Categories: Articles|Tags: |Comments Off on What to Do When You’ve Been Burned by a Marketing Vendor: 5 Tips for Establishing a Great Relationship With Your Marketing Outsourcer

Why Targeting The Right Segment Is Essential For The Success Of Your 2023 Marketing Plan

If you haven’t hyper-segmented your market as part of your marketing plan yet, 2023 is the year to do so!  Hyper-market segmentation not only helps you send the right message to the right people every single time, but it also helps retain customers in the long run.  

By |2023-01-18T13:05:05+08:0016-Jan-2023|Categories: Articles|Tags: |Comments Off on Why Targeting The Right Segment Is Essential For The Success Of Your 2023 Marketing Plan
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